Technical Writing 101: The Basics

Technical Writing 101: The Basics


You are reading this because you want to learn more about technical writing. The article is not for you if you have experience with technical writing. This article aims to simplify technical writing for beginners and show them how to communicate their experiences.

How technical writing is used varies, but one such situation is when people choose to develop technical skills because of the numerous work opportunities that technology provides.

What happens when they hear words like HTML and JavaScript? If the meaning of the words is conveyed in a way that they can’t understand, they'll become overwhelmed and confused. Technical writing can help with this.


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In the simplest of terms, technical writing involves technical skills that require training, and writing requires documenting those skills on a Notebook, Note-pad, or, Laptop.

Technical writing is a style of communication that involves empathizing with your readers by providing them with detailed instructions or explanations of what a technical subject is all about.


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You went through the elementary, high school, and university stages of studying the same topic. The only difference is the content underwent significant improvement; the same applies to technical writing.

Before you start writing on any concept, you have to ask yourself this question:

  • Who do I intend to write to?

  • Do I want to write to beginners, intermediate or advanced learners?

  • What are the pain points of the audience?

  • How do I solve these challenges?

Consider that the goal of your writing is to make HTML simpler for readers who are just learning about it. It's improper to create an article and use the abbreviation HTML, with the expectation that the reader would comprehend the full form of HTML. For them to become familiar with the concept, it is required to write out the full form of HTML multiple times.


The ideology that you must be an expert in a particular field before writing about it is false.

Some properties in the programming languages used in the past are deprecated today, so it's crucial that whatever you put out there for readers to digest has to be up-to-date.

Researching a concept in your field that is foreign to you is another option. When you are knowledgeable enough about the subject to explain it to a teenager, you are ready to make it available for readers to digest.


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Technical writing originated from the need to break down complex terms for every stakeholder to understand. The stakeholders can be students, colleagues, and so on.

Avoid using jargon; make sure that you are clear and concise as possible. Communication in technical writing is effective when the receiver can assimilate your message.


Technical Writers utilize different tools to publish their works, making their writings very engaging and explanatory for the readers. The following tools used by technical writers are:

  • spell-check tools.

  • writing tools

  • publishing tools.

  • image editing tools.

  • screen capture tools.

Install spell-check tools like Grammarly to correct your spelling and check your grammar for clarity.

Use writing tools like Microsoft Word and Google Docs to pen down your thoughts.

Some readers are visual learners. They get bored when it's only text used from the beginning to the end of the article, so using image editing tools like Canva to create beautiful pictures and story is necessary for a Technical Writer.

Use screen-capturing tools to capture snippets of your code. You need to realize that some readers would prefer watching a video in, let’s say C++. If you have to write a text-based explanation on C++, you have to include snippets of your code.


When your content is ready for readers to digest, the next step is to register on a publishing platform. Register on publishing platforms like HashNode to publish your articles.


Technical writing is a skill that makes it possible to explain complex information effectively.

Technical writers can create documents that their readers can readily access and understand by understanding the intended audience, adopting clarity and conciseness.

Careful planning, research, and the use of visual aids all help to increase the impact and quality of technical writing.

Beginners can learn the skill of technical writing and unleash their ability to communicate information clearly and precisely. Accept the challenge, learn about technical writing, and embark on a path that enables you to speak clearly and authoritatively.