This article is for beginners who are interested in knowing how to create Amazon VPC and are looking for guidance.
By now, you should have a conceptual understanding of a virtual private cloud. If you aren't aware, simply see VPC as a virtual networking environment. Amazon has an infrastructure that allows you to manage the network in the cloud and this resource is called Amazon VPC.
You should have an AWS account; if you don't Click here to sign up.
You should know the classes of IP addresses.
You should know how to calculate a subnet and CIDR block.
Step 1:
Select the AWS region you want to create your resources. us-east-1
was selected for this article.
Step 2:
Type VPC on the search box and press enter
Step 3:
Click on VPC
Step 4: Create VPC
click the
Create VPC
button highlighted in between VPC only or VPC and more;
VPC only
was selected for this article.
Step 5: VPC Settings
type a name tag.
leave the default settings for IPv4 CIDR Block and IPV6 CIDR Block
leave the default setting for tenancy.
type in a value for your CIDR Block
you can input a tag but it is optional. Tags are key-value pairs.
click on create VPC.
Dashboard displaying the newly created VPC
Step 6: Create Subnets
on the left side panel, and click on Subnets.
click on the
create subnet
button highlighted in the VPC you created.
Step 7: Subnet settings
input a name tag for your subnet. The common names are either private or public.
select an availability zone.
input a subnet CIDR block.
Add as many subnets as you want.
click on the
Create Subnet
Note: It's advisable to create subnets in different availability zones.
Dashboard displaying the subnets created.
Step 8: Create Internet gateways
on the left side panel, click on the Internet gateways
click on the
create internet gateway
button.input a name tag.
click on the
Create internet gateway
Dashboard displaying the newly created internet gateway but not yet attached to VPC.
Step 9: Attach the internet gateway to VPC
click on actions
select attach to VPC
select the VPC you created
Dashboard displaying internet gateway attached to VPC
Step 10: Create Route tables
on the left side panel, click on the route table
and click on the
create route table
button.input a name tag for the route table.
select the VPC you created.
click on the
Create Route Table
buttonDashboard displaying created route tables.
Step 11: Connect the public subnet to the route table
click on the check box beside the route table you created.
scroll down click on the
Subnet association
click on edit subnet association
select the
check box
beside the public on
save associations.
Dashboard showing route table connected to the public subnet.
This is based on the assumption that you want the content on the server attached to the public subnet to be displayed on the internet. If you want the instance connected to the private subnet displayed on the internet connect it to the route table.
To give your route table a passage to reach the internet, it needs to be connected to the internet gateway, this you do by:
on the left side panel, click on the routes table.
click the check box beside your newly created route table
click on Actions
click on Edit routes
click on Add route
input the internet route which is ""
fill in the target input field
click on Save Changes
The kind of resources you attach to your VPC depends on the requirements needed for your current workload. This article was written to give you a basic understanding of how VPC is created.